although i don't think we've really been any more busy these last couple weeks (all my days since becoming a mother seem rather full, regardless of our happenings) we have been outside a lot and for me, away from the computer, which is a good thing. oh to be outside! how it soothes my soul. and goodness do the boys need it! to make dinner while they play outside instead of whining under my feet is amazing. when i come in the house to grab a drink, i realize how stuffy and stagnant the house becomes after a long winter. it's hard to articulate, but it just feels so good!
i've also been cleaning out the house and reading real books-it's good to have projects.
and my favorite thing that has kept me away from blogging-it seems like tim has been home more. hours wise, he's working the same amount, but because i haven't been working much, i'm home when he's off and it has been a much, much, much needed infusion of family and couple time. even just his presence around the house is wonderful-like this evening he is home and in the other room playing a video game, and even the sound of the car racing gives me little warm fuzzies. it's amazing how much we took our time for granted when he had a more regular work week. in a way, it's been really good for us. hard, but good.
here's some pics to catch things up. and because my boys are cute-because hey, if you got 'em, flaunt 'em. (as everyone who knows me, knows that my personal philosophy.) (what does a sarcastic emoticon look like?)
his ability to look through my soul in this picture is because he was watching tv while i cut his hair and then took the picture. nothing phases him in tv mode.
i don't think a single day goes by without wresting. oh the tackling in this house.
evidence of our need to be outside. he wanted out IMMEDIATELY after breakfast. footie jammies are the equivalent of shoes, right?
i peeked out the door while cooking dinner to see this. max ticked off and ben chillin in his thinking cap. maybe max is annoyed i'm preserving for posterity his poor apparel choices. 12mo jacket, 2T (maybe 3)sweatshirt, 9mo pants, and ben's sandals. ragamuffin is the standard look around here.
and one more, because after a few days, even the really hard, crazy days, lose their harsh, rough edges and i can laugh at them. on this particular day, ben and i both weren't feeling well, max had been sleeping terribly (meaning i was exhausted and he was extremely "disagreeable"), and i didn't have the energy to not let him eat with a toy screwdriver as his only utensil.
I missed you, Mary :) Thank you for the much needed giggles!