Friday, April 27, 2012

rooster run

last thursday morning i was running late for work so i asked ben to go unlock the chickens while i finished making breakfast. several minutes later, i heard the door slam and ben crying. a scared/hurt cry. i came around the corner and found him crumpled on the floor. i was really concerned and asked him what was wrong. he looked at me with the most betrayed look, "why didn't you come help me? i was yelling for help and you didn't come!" still confused i asked him what happened again. while i held him he reported that after unlocking the chickens, the rooster chased him all the way back to the house (a distance of about 100 yards?), jumping up and pecking him, while he ran, screaming for help. i felt so terrible that he felt like i'd let him down, but at the same time, i had to suppress a smile at the thought of him being chased by the rooster. obviously terrifying for him, and i'm sure this solidifies my place in the mean mom hall of fame, but probably pretty hilarious at the same time.  i was really bummed i'd missed the show.

i got him calmed down, got him smiling by renaming our rooster bandolino from a book that we had read in which the boy's aunt has a mean rooster named bandolino, got him to eat his breakfast, and headed off to work. (i'm thankful to have an employer that is pretty flexible about when i show up, especially if there's a family emergency like a rooster attack!)

after the incident, which ben dubbed "the rooster run", ben was very cautious whenever he went outside. the chickens have free range and often hang out in the corral and forest where the boys play. whenever ben would go outside, he would take a broom with him in case bandolino tried to get him again. he would not go out to the chicken house by himself and even when with me, he was very cautious.

enter tim, dad extraordinaire, and his suit of armor. the little shield in the front allows ben to stick his hand through the box to unlock the chicken's door. after making the armor, tim took ben out to the chickens and bandolino was the one who was terrified now. it definitely put the spring back in ben's step to be back on top of the farm pecking order.


  1. It is bad that i chuckled, too?

    Also, that Tim is a clever, crafty Daddy.

  2. That's great. I feel for his terror but yes, agree, rather funny. I would have liked to have seen that too. I love his suit of armor. That is one amazing daddy he has.

  3. Haha. I has the same reaction: laughed, then felt a little guilty about it. You need to blog more, Mary

  4. Haha. I has the same reaction: laughed, then felt a little guilty about it. You need to blog more, Mary

  5. I laughed as well. It was the mental image of it all. And I love the suit. I would have liked to have seen the rooster running away in terror!

  6. Totally cracked me up! I shared the pictures of the armor with Ira and Andy. They thought it was awesome. I concur, you need to blog more... you know... when you have the time and all...

  7. I let Michael read this today and he got quite the chuckle out of it. Now he wants to build a suit of armor, not sure what for, but he wants to...

  8. That's awesome!!! My boys would love to wear that...anywhere!

  9. Ha ha! When I first read the title I thought it was going to be about some small town event where everyone races their roosters :)
    Poor Ben. I would be scared too. Leave it to Tim though to think of a clever armor for Ben.
