Friday, June 25, 2010


please weigh in on what you would have done. i'm really curious to get opinions:

tim sold his nissan 240 sx to a guy from fort riley last night. the guy was really excited and happy with the car, we signed over the title, money in hand, car was sold.

on his way back to fort riley, somehow the fan ate the fan casing, spraying shrapnel in the engine, cutting a fuel cable, thus killing the car. total freak accident that was in no way a pre-existing condition of the car.

the guy calls tim in the middle of the night, tim drives to mcpherson, reclaims the car because he feels bad for the guy, giving him his money back, even though he knows it was in no way his fault, and has the car towed (fortunately for free-AAA) back here.

now we have the broken car, and although i'm very frustrated, i kinda feel like it was the right thing to do, but still feel kinda torn. so what would you do, cause either way someone is out of luck.



  1. Ugh. I mean, technically, if it wasn't a pre-existing condition of the car (and I have no technical knowledge of cars, so I'll take your word for it) then there was absolutely no obligation on your part to take it back. I mean, if it had happened a month from now I doubt it would have even been a question. That said, I would have taken it back and refunded the money too. Sounds like a case of bad timing :(

  2. i agree with erin, although that is quite a bummer. you went above and beyond to help the guy out and i'm sure your generosity will be repaid somehow.

  3. this sucks. it is beyond blurg, that's for sure. I think Tim did the right thing, but I might have kept a hundred for pain and suffering. Is the estimate to fix it less than what the guy paid for it? Would he still buy it again if it gets fixed? this sucks.

  4. You did a very good, honest thing that by no means were you required to do. You went above and beyond, you were trust-worthy, mature and kind. You took the high-road when the "low-road" certainly would have been acceptable and not even second-guessed by most. God will bless you for this.

  5. I agree with all previous comments. God blesses the just, but blurg nonetheless!!!

  6. I say that was a total "good Samaritan" kind of thing to do. I am in awe of your generosity. And yes, God will most likely repay you. . . by allowing you to remain in your "less rich state" (since you obviously could have benefited from the money you had initially received for the car) and completely dependent on Him.

  7. I don't think you were required to give the money back or take the car back, but what you did was amazing. Very "good Samaritan" of you indeed.

  8. well I'm just now getting to this and I have to admit that it would have been very difficult for me to have done what you did. But like Michelle said, hopefully what comes around goes around well for you in this case.
